This is a Remote for the Boblight Ambilight Software.THIS IS A REMOTE FOR BOBLIGHT.BobDroid lets you control your boblight setup from your Smartphone
This is a Remote for the Boblight Ambilight Software.
BobDroid lets you control your boblight setup from your Smartphone and Tablet.
You don't need any additional software, just boblight running on your computer.
Right now BobDroid supports seven different modes:
- Constant Light: Select a color and every LED lights up in the selected color.
- Light Board: Save up to 12 presets of colors, so you can switch between them with a single touch.
- Zone Light: Individually control the four sides of your boblight.
- Mood Light: Create presets with three colors each and the LEDs will transitions between the three selected colors.
- World Cup: Set the LEDs to the colors of your favorite World Cup 2014 team.
- Rainbow Light: Rainbow circling around the TV.
- Music Light (still in Beta): Boblight flashing to the music that is playing.
You can now forward Android notifications to boblight.
Just activate BobDroid under Android Settings / Accessebility.