Save money using exclusive deals and coupons for your favorite stores.Zip Zap Deals is your one stop destination to save money. Get discounts on resta
Save money using exclusive deals and coupons for your favorite stores.
Zip Zap Deals is your one stop destination to save money. Get discounts on restaurants, cafes, retail stores, gyms, gaming lounges, salons, and more than 50 online stores with just a tap.
We are also the only company of its kind to offer University Deals. We've already tied up with vendors in Amity University, namely ARCADIA, L'OREAL SALON, PARSONA GYM, DOMINOES and select FOOD JOINTS at Gate 2A. And we're only getting started... Soon, we'll reach out to other universities and offer you the best of everything in one place.
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✔ University Deals
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