海事和海上域的供應鏈電子商務解決方案。 Shipskart是海事和海上供應鏈電子商務解決方案
Shipskart is a supply chain e-commerce solution for the Maritime and Offshore domain. As our Logo says, “Clicked at Sea ~ Delivered at Shore”, Shipskart is an online market place, where vessels, vessel owners/managers, ports, shipyards can purchase marine products, consumables, equipments and service products required for the uninterrupted and efficient operations.
Shipskart aims to revolutionise the currently fragmented and inefficient procurement and supply chain in the maritime and offshore domain, leading to a sea-change in the speed, timelines, efficiency and quality of procurement process.
Shipskart has been developed using fit-for-purpose, adaptive technology.目前唯一使用的技術似乎是ERP軟件,它昂貴,遺產,過時且有限。