電子消費者介導的消費者指南是由公共機構為消費者保護( PACP - 阿曼)提供的移動應用程序
Electronic consumer guide is a mobile application provided by the Public Authority for Consumer Protection ( PACP – Oman) to serve all consumers and merchants in the Sultanate of Oman.該應用程序是公共權限創建的工具,以彌合他們與消費者之間的差距,以便能夠交換數據和信息。該計劃提供有關消費品的消費數據和信息,並使消費者能夠創建喜歡的購物車,以查看蘇丹國多家商店的價格差異,或提供建議和指導或新聞,以突出公共當局在服務和消費者保護方面的作用。 The application is also one of the channels through which the consumer can submit their complaints or views to PACP Oman.