About itimes App for Bollywood News & Gossip, Food, Travel & Lifestyle.
itimes is India's first Interest based Social Network. Decide what topics interest you and itimes will help you stay updated.
If it's buzzing on the Internet, It's on itimes !
Download the itimes app on your Android mobile and get access to some exciting Bollywood news & Bollywood gossip.
What you can do on the itimes app
• With itimes , you can read stories with just a swipe!
• To top it all, the itimes App also rewards you for activities on the app with a unique media loyalty program -Times Points.只需掌握這個應用程序即可贏得大獎金!
• Politics: Get breaking news and opinions on politics, Budget, BJP, Congress, AAP, current affairs and major events from India and the World.
• Entertainment: Latest in Bollywood Gossip, Hollywood news, Movie reviews, Trailers, Television, Trending songs and Music.
• Sports: Regular updates from the world of sports, cricket, IPL, world cup and cricketers.
• Lifestyle: A guide to Fashion, wedding, Beauty tips, shopping, best hairstyles, health and exercise, food recipes and articles for saving money.
• Travel: Photo blogs to plan your holiday, road trips, outdoor adventure or camping on a family vacation.
• People: Follow celebrities, bollywood actors, bollywood actresses, politicians, sports personalities, celebrity gossip, musicians and singers.
• Relationships: Discuss office dynamics, dating, women, men, parenting, love & marriage advice.
• Other cool stuff: Unravel fun facts, viral videos, jokes, haunted and spooky stories, gossip, Top 10, How to, DIY, horoscope and astrology.
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