可靠的離線數據收集的業務表格,並具有SharePoint連接。 Formotus Pro Mobile Forms AppThe Formotus mobile forms service distribu
Formotus Pro Mobile Forms App
The Formotus mobile forms service distributes forms in 2 free mobile apps (Formotus Now and Formotus Pro ). Use the Formotus Pro app to complete Formotus mobile business forms in the field—online or offline.
Formotus Pro Data Collection App
Formotus Pro is a free mobile forms companion app that works with the Formotus Mobile Form SaaS.使用基於Web的Formotus Form Builder創建表單。註冊團隊成員可以在沒有數據連接的情況下在移動設備上訪問和更新表單。一旦他們擁有Internet數據連接,將自動將捕獲的信息上傳到您的數據收集存儲庫。 The Formotus Pro app has a client-side workflow feature so you can move assignments from one mobile user to other mobile users. Formotus SaaS業務形式解決方案是GDPR和HIPPA兼容。
3. Registered team members open the Formotus Pro app and complete the form securely online or offline and submit it to your company's backend or cloud data stores.以形式收集的數據永遠不會通過福爾摩託的服務器。
How the Formotus Pro Mobile Forms App Works
Download the Formotus Pro app to see sample forms.通過在www.formotus.com上打開免費的folotus試用帳戶來創建自定義的移動業務表格。
Common Use Cases for Formotus Pro App
Customers use the Formotus Pro app for: construction forms, building inspections, punch lists, work orders, service dispatch, material and equipment logs, job safety analysis, risk assessment matrix, daily job reports, job routing, delivery tickets, service requests, security audits, merchandising, healthcare forms, sales forms, and more.
• Forms run in the Formotus Pro app
Anyone registered with your Formotus account can use the Formotus Pro app.如果您正在尋找單擊“單擊”選項,請查看免費的Formotus Now應用程序。任何具有鏈接鏈接的人都可以在其移動設備或Windows 10機器上完成它。每次移動用戶打開表格時,您都要支付費用。