Manage your waste in a fun and easy way.Do you want to start to become more sustainable and responsible with your waste but dont know how? Or youre on
Manage your waste in a fun and easy way.
Do you want to start to become more sustainable and responsible with your waste but don't know how? Or you're on your way to it, but need a little push? The Zero Waste app helps you manage your personal waste in fun and practical way.
With explanations, examples and tips on how to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle waste, and a counting system, you can control all of your waste management and have data on how much you helped the planet - and your children and grandchildren - with your actions.
• Tips on how to have a more efficient and simple waste management.
• Check all the waste you:
• And yet know how this influences the economy of water, energy and spared trees.
• Share with your Facebook friends your achievements and progress.
After all, who said being Zero Waste is boring and difficult?
Authors: Marcelo Paulon, Rodrigo Sabatini
Contributors: André Montagna, Ervin Shehaj, Jéssica Sabatini, Laís Vidotto, Marcela Furlan, Sabrina Sabatini
Copyright © 2015 - Zero Waste App. All rights reserved.