Discover Linked Words Horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Yupiletras , your Peruvian letters in Spanish! Yupiletras is a game that consists of
Discover Linked Words Horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Yupiletras , your Peruvian letters in Spanish!
Yupiletras is a game that consists in discovering a certain number of words in Spanish linked horizontally, vertical or diagonally and in any direction, both from right to left and from left to right, and both from top to bottom, as well as from the bottom up.
The game comes with a list of words for each level which they have to find in a certain time according to the difficulty:
Game times:
- From level 1-5 the maximum time is 3 minutes (easy levels)
- From level 6-10 the maximum time is 2 minutes (average levels)
- From level 11-15 the maximum time is 1 minutes (difficult levels)
- If you complete the game before 25% of the time of the given level is rewarded with 100 points
- If you finish it within 50% of the time it is rewarded with 50 points
- If you finish it within 75% of the time it is rewarded with 25 points
- If you finish it 75% of the given time is not rewarded with anything
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