Yamb - Yahtzee is a free yamb game with 4 or 7 columns and 5 or 6 dices.Yamb - Yahtzee with the Maher Dices is a free board game containing elements o
Yamb - Yahtzee is a free yamb game with 4 or 7 columns and 5 or 6 dices.
Yamb - Yahtzee with the Maher Dices is a free board game containing elements of strategy. The higher score you have, the better. This game is classic Yahtzee or Yamb or Yatzy or Jamb game with 4 or 7 columns and 5 or 6 dices can be in play like Yacht, Yot, Yatzy...
You can throw - drop - roll the dices up to 3 times in each move. Holds any dices, and drops again. See 3d animation if you want.
Yahtzee - Yamb - Jamb is combination of luck and skill. In the game you have to plan to fill the table because the strategy is as important as lucky. With this game you should improve your intelligence.
For the columns:
1. Down (you should fill first field: 1, 2, 3...)
2. Free (no fill rules)
3. Up (you should fill first field: yamb, poker, full...)
4. Announcement (after first throw - drop - roll you must select some field in this column. On the end of the move the result should be announced to the selected field.
For the fields:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Get the same dices.
+, - is the best sum of the five dices.
Trilling is 3 of the same. Bonus = 20.
Straight is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Bonus = 30.
Full is 3 of the same and 2 of the same. Bonus = 40.
Poker is 4 of the same. Bonus = 50.
Yamb is 5 of the same. Bonus = 80.
Sum 1 = Sum 1 + (Bonus = 30) if Sum 1 >= 60.
Sum 2 = (Max - Min) * number of '1'.
Sum 3 is a classic sum.
- Online leaderboard
- Background choice
- 3d animation
- Options for 5 or 6 dices
- Options for 4 or 7 columns
- Back move if you write result in the wrong field
- Choose font size
- Optional user can be registered on the main site
Maher Dices Yahtzee have been created with unity3d software.
Beat your opponents, buddies, friends and family. This game will provide you with a lot of good times both children and adults.
Have a fun...