Find the best Scrabble words you can play with the letters you are given!Find the highest scoring words and learn where to place them on your Scrabble
Find the best Scrabble words you can play with the letters you are given!
Find the highest scoring words and learn where to place them on your Scrabble board. Whether you're playing Scrabble or another word game, simply type in your letters and Word Helper will show you a list of playable words that'll have you beating your opponents in no time!
• Search thousands of Scrabble words instantly
• Beautiful, easy to use interface
• Find words to fit into spaces on your Scrabble board
• Helps you connect words to tiles already placed on your Scrabble board
• Check if a word exists
• Includes a tutorial which explains how to use the app
• Designed for phones and tablets
Thanks for trying Word Helper for Scrabble!