Events and Places around you!Millions of events and places to discover near you and What When Where was created to ship them to enjoy. WhatWhenWhere,
Events and Places around you!
Millions of events and places to discover near you and What When Where was created to ship them to enjoy. WhatWhenWhere, with its intuitive interface and a very low battery use and internet traffic, gives you the possibility to be part of the events that affect you and to find very beautiful places around you. You just need to click on "cerca intorno a me (found around me)" or fill in the fields of research to be redirected to all that respects the parameters of your choice. WhatWhenWhere helps you to advertise your event or your business: just load on the platform the event or the place by filling out the form with the required informations. As soon as the event or the place is loaded, WhatWhenWhere notifies those who have set preferences about these events or places within three kilometers.
WhatWhenWhere is free and very simple to use:
-Explore million events around you.
-Find the events that interest you using filters.
-Get in contact with events organizers and venue and activities owners.
-Use the function "cerca intorno a me (find around me)" to find best places and events near you.
-Add your event or your business to keep informed those who are within three kilometers.
-Possibility to increasing the coverage of the notification.
We have optimized the app in order to reduce battery and data traffic consumption: WhatWhenWhere connects only twice a day to the internet, only a few seconds making you live the best experience without going to affect battery duration and internet traffic.