wetter.at - The Most Recent Weather in Austriamit a button print to all important weather information. Precise data and hourly forecasts
wetter.at - The Most Recent Weather in Austria
With a push of a button for all important weather information. Plaid data and hourly forecasts of the next 48 hours for every location in Austria.
wetter.at - the #1 app in the weather in Austria in the category!
Do you just want to have a brief overview of the current weather, know - whether it stays dry tonight at your barbecue party, a forecast for the next few days - or would you prefer extensive information about your next travel destination? With the wetter.at app you are always top-informed, no matter where you are!
After the start, you immediately have all the important weather data for your current location at a glance. In addition, you can watch precise weather information and detailed forecasts for the next 48 hours - or the next 9 days.
Add the places important to you to always be informed quickly about the current weather conditions in your favorite places.
If you want to know how the weather is in a certain place in Austria or in the world, just enter it in the search. It is even easier to get weather information for your current location via the built-in GPS function-no matter where you are in the world.
You can adapt the weather units and different views to your preferences
• Current weather data and forecasts for every location in Austria
• Detailed forecasts for the next 48 hours every hour
• Current data and forecasts for all international cities
• Clear ads with weather conditions, wind force, wind direction, wind direction
• Practical search function via place name or ZIP Enter
• Weather forecast for your location (GPS location)
• forecasts for the next 9 days for any desired location
• Reflection, wind and temperature forecast films for Austria
• Save the desired places as favorites
"With the new wetter.at app, always be top-informed and upload it to your cell phone completely free of charge".
Of course, the features are constantly updated and expanded. Do you have any questions, suggestions for improvement or feedback? Please let us know: [email protected]