Webcab Convenent and Modern Service Taxi Order Online from the Industry Leaderweb-Cab (VEB-keb) is a convenient and modern online order service so
Webcab Convenent and Modern Service Taxi Order Online from the Industry Leader
Web-CAB (VEB-Cab) is a convenient and modern online service order of a taxi in Kyiv. When ordering a taxi, the client receives all the necessary information: the location of the car on the map in Online mode, arrival time, as well as the model, color and car number. After quick registration and authorization, you can order a taxi within a minute. There are also additional services to choose from:
• Possibility of calculating with bank cards (car with POS-terminal)
• Transportation of a large amount of baggage.
• The transportation of the animal.
• WiFi in the cabin and much more.
Advantages of the WebCab application:
• Choosing a car class: “standard”, “business”, “premium”.
• Fast search for a car (within 30 seconds)
• Search for places and addresses by your GPS coordinates.
• A instant miscalculation of cost after filling out the fields “Address address” and “arrival address”.
• Taxi arrival timer, the movement of the car is visible on the Web-Cab (VEBKEB) service map from Elite-Taxi.
• Push notification about the arrival of the driver to the specified place
• Templates with the history of orders and saved addresses allow you to create orders in a couple of clicks.
• Reliable preliminary order.
When ordering a taxi in Kyiv through Web-Cab, you will receive not only arrival at the address you need at the time you need, but also a comfortable trip, taking into account all your wishes.