Magic! With one touch, Weather4D displays weather data in 3D.Weather4D is the first application to use the power of GPU to animate the weather like a
Magic! With one touch, Weather4D displays weather data in 3D.
Weather4D is the first application to use the power of GPU to animate the weather like a video. 2D or 3D display is complemented by the continuous scrolling of time which allows to perfectly visualize the evolution of weather phenomena to come. The automatic scrolling can be accelerated or slowed manually by forward or backward in time by simply sliding a finger or by time increments through taps on icons "next / previous".
Weather data types:
- Cloud cover
- Precipitations (Rain, Snow)
- Wind 10 m above mean sea level
- Temperature 2 m above mean sea level
- Pressure MSL
- Waves (Height, period & direction)
- Ocean currents
Data model:
- Data from Arpège, Arome, WRF, NOAA GFS, NAM, CMC GEM, COAMPS, FNMOC WW3, MyOcean
- Forecasts up to 10 day
- Data steps : 3h, 12h, 24h
- Worldwide Cover
- Data updated 4 times a day (every 6 hours)
The data are in the form of stacked layers that can be assembled at will. The fine tunings allow to adjust the readability according to the taste of user: modes display, level of transparency, types of symbols, etc.. A "full screen mode" allows you to use the entire screen area.
Weather4D is a very user friendly application and easy to use. However, it relies on highly accurate forecasts developed for professional use worldwide. It is designed for demanding users.