Voice Dialer that allows you to call your contacts just with one clickVoice Caller is a Voice Dialer that allows you to call your contacts just with o
Voice Dialer that allows you to call your contacts just with one click
Voice Caller is a Voice Dialer that allows you to call your contacts just with one click.
Create your vocal phonebook choosing contacts that you want to call with Voice Caller from your device phonebook, associate them with a unique vocal identifier (the word to speak to call the contact) and start to use the application.
With a limitated and well defined set of vocal commands defined by the user, the speech recognition of Voice Caller is very accurate.
To confirm the call say one of the commands: "yes", "ok", "okay", "call", "confirm".
To discard the call say one of the commands: "no", "cancel", "abort", "discard".
In the settings menu, you can also configure your application for:
- define the dialog process complexity (with confirmation on call and vocal feedback).
- check the presence of an active connection (needed for the speech recognition).
- automatically turn on the loudspeaker during phone call.
- use handset button instead of button on screen (beta version).
- keep the screen always active (warning, major battery consumption).
- autostart the application on boot device.
For comments, reports, suggestions and so on, don't esitate to send an e-mail.
Added new vocal commands to confirm or discard the phone call.
Open the info dialog (menu->info) for guide and more info.