Vicon Mobile Video Surveillance ApplicationVicon Mobile Video Surveillance Application Designed to support security systems running ViconNet Video Man
Vicon Mobile Video Surveillance Application
Vicon Mobile Video Surveillance Application
Designed to support security systems running ViconNet Video Management Software (VMS), Vicon Mobile provides the freedom to securely monitor your site from anywhere using a mobile device. Vicon Mobile supports many functions of full-featured ViconNet, including:
•Securely Connect to the ViconNet system (multi-server support)
•Supported on ViconNet Jump, Zone and Peak series devices
•View live video or playback recorded images from any device on the system
•Up to 9 concurrent video streams
•Quick and simple playback access
•Full control of PTZ cameras including presets
•Pinch-to-zoom on live video and playback video
•Arrange video tiles on the flight
•Remember last state when minimized
** Requires minimum Web server 6.6.71 (6.6SP2)
** ViconNet demo server is available. Log in as follows:
Username: admin