Vehiculum tracks fuel consumption, mileage, costs and reminders your vehicles!Vehiculum is the first app on the Play Store that allows you to synchron
Vehiculum tracks fuel consumption, mileage, costs and reminders your vehicles!
Vehiculum is the first app on the Play Store that allows you to synchronise all data across your devices via Cloud Sync & Backup feature! Adds data once, get it on all connected devices!
With Vehiculum you can track several statistics, that includes: fuel consumption over time, monthly expenses, maintenance expenses or costs of service of your car or motorcycle.
Data is presented on readable linear and pie charts and also through table statistics.
MAIN features:
• Track refuellings, expenses, services
• Set the time and mileage based reminders
• Charts with fuel consumption (including services) and monthly expenses per category
• General statistics, that includes: mileage, distance, longest refuel, last refuel, total refuels
• Monthly expenses, monthly refuel expenses, per distance, per day, year cost
• Fuel statistics with average/best/worst consumption, lowest/highest fuel price, fuel economy
• Stations based statistics: most visited, the cheapest
UPCOMING features:
• Web client
• Android Wear support
• Registered vehicles editing
• Tablets layouts
PREMIUM features:
• Adds free
• Cloud Sync & Backup
• Many vehicles
• Widgets
Vehiculum app is the best for keeping track of mileage, fuel and car maintenance.
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