UK Crime DataUses data from which is supposed to be updated monthly (but is usually a couple of months behind)The app only displays avai
UK Crime Data
Uses data from which is supposed to be updated monthly (but is usually a couple of months behind)
The app only displays available data FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM so there is nothing I can do if it is out of date or incorrect.
Complain to your local police force who supply the data if you believe the data to be wrong.
For the area of your choosing, see the level of crime that the Police force in your area are reporting
Note: App abandoned due to lack of interest so I will not be improving it or adding features.
24th Feb 2016
Ok I've caved in and updated it for the more modern look.
It now only retrieves the crimes for the area on screen (rather than a 1 mile radius). If you zoom out too far, the crimes will take longer to download and you may hit the 10,000 crime limit. If you like it, leave me a review in Play Store.
December 16th 2011:
Abandoned due to lack of interest.