Invite Callers to Allah Islam Ubeydullah Leo Hogha and Seminars Videos Islamic preacher Obaidullah Arslan ̇lam davetçi̇si̇ ubeydullah arlaman (dünya i̇lam
Invite Callers to Allah Islam Ubeydullah Leo Hoxha and Seminars Videos
الداعية الإسلامي عبيد الله ارسلان
Islamic Invite Ubeydullah Arslan (World of Islamic Inviters Union of Türkiye)
Ubeydullah Arslan was born in G.Antep. Istanbul University Faculty of Communication (1991) Pakistan Çeşver İslamia College (1992-1994) graduated from Islamabad International Islamic University of Arab Language and Literature (1999) in 1995. Gaziantep Asr-ı Saadet founded Science Research Association. In addition, Arslan, who invited in Türkiye and abroad - to Kuran and Sahih Sunnah; As an Islamic invitation, he gives invitation seminars. Arslan, who knows Arabic-English, is married and has 5 children. Hobbies; Science, speaking with evidence, verse and hadith, religious teaching, invitation to Allah, walking and Karate. Arslan is also a black belt, which has been national 3 times.
The purpose of the application
Allah, salat and salute
May your Messenger and his companions.
Sharia science, our lives and our Hereafter
It is the most auspicious light to illuminate.
From the prophets
The remaining legacy. Is the address of the bliss,
It is the source of virtuous virtuous values, the guide of the Qur'an and the Sunnah society we have designed to establish.
The society to be built,
It is the most important factor that determines the route of the generation.
A scientific life is similar to a plane wandering in the sky without a route.
Just as it is necessary to obey the rules in the sky and fly on the designated route,
Bidat, sin, forbidden, ancestors, religion, katanlı belief is also necessary to protect the science.
World and the Hereafter
The bliss is only gained by sharia science.
Therefore, Allah commands to know first.
God, the first knowledge to know
- He reports that it should be tevhid-.
فَاعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ لا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ Know that; There is no god but Allah (Muhammad-19)
Science; But if it follows the revelation
Sahih watches in the direction and receives ecir.
If Allah wishes to anyone in the world, he makes him subtle in religion.
As a matter of fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the authentic hadith:
من يُرِدِ الله به خيراً يفقهه في الدين makes him a fakih/fine -understanding scholar whoever Allah wills. (Bukhari-Müslim)
Hakka, true religion,
Sahih is the most effective tool that conveys to Sürat-ı Mustakim, to live with evidence.
It is meaningful with evidence
Science without evidence is a superficial product product.
The salvation of the ummah,
In the first step, Sharia is in science and invitation.
Who does not meet knowledge and invitation, does not act what he knows,
The individuals and society that do not based their deeds based on the authentic evidence are sure to remain under superstition and superstition debris.
Our aim;
Invite you
Calling to Sahih Sunnah,
To avoid shirk and bidat,
To remove it from the idea of superstition and religious and congregation connected to the person,
To invite to supreme moral values,
To instill the reality of forgotten science and invitation
It was founded with the hope of bringing religion to the fact that it is only to worship and jihad by making Allah pure.
Our application
Asr-ı Saadet breeze
It aims to invite to heaven.
To future generations,
Faithful, reinforced, moral,
His right life, honest attitude,
To collect brave steps with religious evidence
He wants to teach.
My Lord
Let our application keep it successful in the way of predecessor that it loves and consent.