This is a theme for tweecha.This is a theme for tweecha.Free themes show ads.A TweechaPrimePlus Donation hides ads.Prime themes dont show ads.(If Pro
This is a theme for tweecha.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Free themes show ads.
A TweechaPrimePlus Donation hides ads.
Prime themes don't show ads.
(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will be shown.)
There is a possibility that the operations do not expect because time is short to the public.
Please contact [email protected] such cases.
- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.
- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that created automatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut again from the program menu.
- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including: Twitter specification changes.
- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will be displayed.
- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settings and notification.
- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.
- Install this theme app.
- Stop tweecha if it is active.
- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.