With this app you imagine your candidate in the BNNVARA television programet of the same name The 2voor12 app you will find your candidate in the television of the same name
With this app you imagine your candidate in the BNNVARA television program of the same name
With the 2voor12 app you imagine your candidate in the television program of BNNVARA, which has been watching millions of people for decades. The game works just like on TV: take it against twelve questions and against each other! You can choose any opponent or a (Facebook) friend. It is also possible to play the game solo.
Try to answer twelve questions as well as possible. If you don't know the answer to a question, you can look it up via Google. But beware: the seconds tap inexorably and that will cost you points. If you have answered all the questions, you can puzzle. With the first letters of your answers you can form a 12 letter word. The more questions, the more bonus points.
In total you can play three rounds. If you know how to beat your opponent three times, it will yield extra points and maybe a place in the ranking. BNNVARA wishes you every success in playing 2voor12. Of course don't forget to watch 2voor12 on TV. And play live with the viewer competition via the app! Look at 2voor12.bnnvara.nl for more information.