TV Magazine : Programmes téléCheck out all your favourite programmes and the latest news on the Android TV Magazine application.You can search for TV
TV Magazine : Programmes télé
Check out all your favourite programmes and the latest news on the Android TV Magazine application.
You can search for TV programmes across more than 200 channels over 14 days to make sure you don't miss a thing. It will also keep you up-to-date with what's happening in the news and the lives of the rich and famous.
The TV Magazine app will allow you to customise your welcome screen and your favourite TV channels as well as providing trailers for shows you might not yet discovered.
Thanks to the TV Magazine’s mark and opinion you will find programmes that should not be missed !
The search facility will allow you to look through all the content you want from TV to news and in depth articles.
If you’re not a reading addict you can access slides presenting the news in pictures !
TV Magazine app in a nutshell :
- Direct access to current programs through the “En ce moment” button
- Live Tweet : comment and react in real time TV programs thanks to this new functionality
- Customization of the application (Welcome screen, TV channels, number of programming days)
- Watching trailers programs directly on your TIZEN phone
- Consultation of TV and celebrity news
- Creation of “program alerts” from the viewing schedule to your calendar