Tower Defense 3D - world after the cataclysm changed and will never be the sameTower Defense 3D - the world after the cataclysm changed and will neve
Tower Defense 3D - world after the cataclysm changed and will never be the same
Tower Defense 3D - the world after the cataclysm changed and will never be the same. Mysterious substance changed continents , flora , body and soul of people , as well as many monsters spawned .
You have to protect the interests of his kingdom, at the edge of the world . At your disposal several unique towers wisely using them you will be able to stop the enemy invasion voysk.Vasha task - to defend his kingdom from attack monsters that are approaching from all sides.
Awesome gameplay games Tower Defense 3D, will help you move yourself on the battlefield. When you click on a tower you can manage them in the first person , which makes the gameplay even more exciting and interesting , and all this is accompanied by a great voice acting.