Torshavn Buss gives you scheduled and real-time departure timesTorshavn Buss provides comprehensive information to help you plan your journey in Faroe
Torshavn Buss gives you scheduled and real-time departure times
Torshavn Buss provides comprehensive information to help you plan your journey in Faroe Islands. Torshavn Buss gives you scheduled and real-time departure times based on your location or a bus stop. It is fast and easy to use.
The map view system gives you up to date information on all of the Faroe Islands bus routes. Simply pick the route you are traveling on and view service information and the current status of the busses or check the timetables.
An Internet connection is required to use Torshavn Buss.
The app features:
*** A journey planner for public transport between any two locations in Faroe Islands featuring all bus routes.
*** Departure boards showing next scheduled buses at every stop in Faroe Islands and live bus times.
*** See full routes on the map, with all scheduled calling points and stop times displayed.
*** Save bus stops to Favorites for quick access.
*** Notifications affecting public transport services with specific time delays.