strengthened the existence of objects that are in space.the bottom floor is a space, which has an important role to strengthen the existence of object
strengthened the existence of objects that are in space.
the bottom floor is a space, which has an important role to strengthen the existence of objects that are in space. Floor function in general are: to support the activities in space and shape the character of the room. When people walk on the floor, then the characters that appear are: durable, non-slip and neutral-colored (non-dominant). Floor of the house used to put items such as chairs, tables, cabinets, etc., and supports various activities such as walking, kids running, sitting on the floor, and others. Also usually house floor is not separated from the use of ceramics.
Ceramic is kind of the most popular floor coverings are used because there are a variety of advantages. , Its use was not just for floors, walls look more beautiful if coated ceramics. But it should be noted for the strength of ceramic wall definitely smaller than the ceramic floor load bearing. Indeed, there are several criteria that can be used to distinguish and know the kinds of ceramics. When viewed from the type, there are two kinds of
• Ceramics are glazed ceramics by coating or glazing easier to find in the market. This layer is usually used to create patterns and textures and is very suitable applied on floors and walls.
• unglazed ceramic tile is not given lapisanglazur for not using layers, then the pattern making is done directly in the production process. This ceramic usually has the size of a rather thick and has a quality that is stronger.
in this application contains several ceramic pictures that you can make a reference for you to use in your home floor.