TapSee is a mobile survey app which includes GPS coordinates and photos.TapSee allows you to build electronic survey forms that can be downloaded to y
TapSee is a mobile survey app which includes GPS coordinates and photos.
TapSee allows you to build electronic survey forms that can be downloaded to your phone or tablet. Survey results are available via the web in realtime, and can be downloaded into Excel or Google Earth.
As well as standard question and answer fields, TapSee can include photographs and GPS coordinates embedded within a survey result. TapSee also supports offline usage, allowing surveys to be collected without an internet connection and uploaded in bulk when a connection is available.
You can synchronise your results between mobile devices allowing teams to work together and share results while they are in the field.
Any results that were captured using a GPS can be visualised on a map either in the mobile app or on the TapSee website.
Example uses include field surveys, market research, asset management or questionnaires.
More information is available at: http://www.tapsee.org/