Display and Edit Objects Antiradars Arrow Program designed to display on the map of the main database of objects (cells and traffic police stations) of popular warrant
Display and Edit Objects Antiradars Arrow
The program is designed to display on the map of the main base of objects (cells and traffic police posts) of the popular program of the arrow-detector. You can see objects and their characteristics.
Also, with the help of StrelkaMap you can conveniently edit objects on the map.
The program works only when connecting to the Internet and use Yandex-cards potato.
The base is formed on the basis of: www.rd-forum.ru and Speedcamonline.ru
Basic possibilities:
1. The display of stationary objects on the map indicating the direction from which the cameras and characteristics of the camera are caught (only to a certain scale).
2. When moving, you can also see the cameras in front.
3. Choosing night or daily modes.
4. The possibility of adding objects with display on the section of the vector card from which the camera catches.
Display on the map
- to display objects, you need access to the Internet (check locks with firewalls, droids, etc.)
- as you move, the program loads objects, as the rotating indicator signals on the right
- if a too large scale is set - the number of objects in the square is shown
- when clicking on the object, its characteristics are shown
Adding objects
- added objects fall into the database of the arrow program