STAR FM is the leading Pioneering Radio Broadcast in Kenya and SomaliaSTAR FM is the leading Pioneering Radio Broadcast in Kenya and Somalia. Also we
STAR FM is the leading Pioneering Radio Broadcast in Kenya and Somalia
STAR FM is the leading Pioneering Radio Broadcast in Kenya and Somalia. Also we can be heard worldwide via live stream on and via telephone
We also transmit the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Somali service and Voice of America-Somali service.
We support the Kenya and Somali government in the campaign for :-
Peace building Advocacy
Fight against Female Genital Mutilations
Voter Education campaign
Health Campaign
Constitutional reviews Process and Civic Educational Issues
Human Trafficking program
Sexual Gender Based Violence programs
Girl Child Education
We have a comprehensive programming schedule that caters for all the listeners and advertisers needs including news, educational, religion and other programs.
We have an Independent editorial policy and we give all sides a chance to enhance objectivity.
We have an audience that is highly diversified and cross cutting across all segments of society.