St John Ambulance First Aid advice for dealing with emergency situations.St John Ambulance is determined that no one should die because they needed fi
St John Ambulance First Aid advice for dealing with emergency situations.
St John Ambulance is determined that no one should die because they needed first aid and didn’t get it.
This app includes the latest first aid advice and protocols for dealing with emergency situations. It is simple to follow with illustrated guides and voiced instructions.
The app doesn’t replace the benefits of learning first aid on a St John Ambulance course, nor is it as in depth as a full first aid manual. But when there is an emergency, it will help you to know what to do to in those few crucial moments when basic knowledge of first aid can make the difference.
Nothing is more tragic than a life lost needlessly. You can be the difference between life and death.
Please note: The first aid advice is based solely upon UK protocols. Both the UK and European emergency service numbers are provided.