Overclock Undervolt System Tweak Tool for Sony Xperia Neo Arc or OMAP3 Phonesnow modified(and optimized) work with NEO Arc Play X10 X8 LG Optimus Spee
Overclock Undervolt System Tweak Tool for Sony Xperia Neo Arc or OMAP3 Phones
now modified(and optimized) work with NEO Arc Play X10 X8 LG Optimus Speed Samsung Galaxy Motorola Milestone and maybe others ...
Need ***ROOT*** AND maybe ***Custom Kernel***
newest Version switches reliable in the A2DP profile when music is played via Bluetooth. to prevent drop outs and stutter in the music playback!
set voltages on
/proc/overclock/ mpu_opps
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ vdd_levels
!!!HowItWorks !!!
1. Create one or more Profiles
2. Select one of these Profiles as Powersaving profile, witch is automaticly set if battery drops below the selected limit.
3. Pull down the notification bar click the SetXperia Icon and select a Profile ON-THE-FLY i.e. powersaving while browsing or Overclocking while gaming i.e. FPSE ;)
Overclocking Undervolting Tool for Sony Ericsson Neo.
Save Akku Power and set CPU Scaling to minimum while Screen is Off.
Set Profile on Low Battery
Set Profile on Screen Off
With setvsel you can set Vsel OnDemand or Performance
it include a stability test to ensure you settings are stable
Includes System Tweaks like:
-Set sdCard readahead KB ("/sys/devices/virtual/bdi/179:0/read_ahead_kb")
-Set VM Min Free Memory ("vm.min_free_kbytes")
-Remount Storage with NoAtime on Boot
-Systeminfo like cpuspy
-profiles like setCpu, NoFrills CPU Control
-voltages like IncrediControl
updated version 1.02:
-implemented "remount with noatime"
updated version 1.03:
-added systeminfo into menue
update version 1.08:
-option to save & restore settings to sdCard
update version 1.10:
-now shows all governors and all schedulers
-notification on "values not save" condition (when SetXperia applies values at boot, it marks this vales "save" after 30sec. to prevent boot loops)
update version 1.18:
-new tool "moduleloader" can load kernelmodules like cifs.ko or usb-storage.ko on startup ;o)
update version 1.22:
-new Magnetic Field CarDock activator (use standart CarMode)
update version 1.23:
-added a Volumecontrol to longpress Searchbutton (i changed my keylayout to get a free hardwarebutton for FPSE ;o) )
update version 1.24:
-still shows batt% info (the notify is only updated on batt change)
-new design of CPU Icon (white bars on transparent background)
-profileeditor has now a rangebar for min/max cpu (this prevent from setting low max as min)
-a few perfomance tweaks and fixes
update version 1.26:
-this version remounts sdcard with 'noatime' (if selected in settings) when phone is disconnected from PC
update version 1.32:
-bugfix for phones with OMAP3 processors like Motorola Milestone, Milestone 2, Droid, Droid 2 Global, Droid X, A853/A854, XT701/XT702, XT711, XT720, XT800/XT800W, Defy, Flipout, Samsung Galaxy Beam, Galaxy A, Archos Tablet A70 A101
update version 1.36:
-added a "load current" button in voltage editor
-added hires icon for ICS
-put volumecontrol into a scrollview for small displays
update version 1.40:
-added the option to create swapfile (/sdcard or /cache) @ boot
update version 1.48:
-added the option to set swappiness for swapfile
update version 1.50:
-execute /sdcard/userinit.sh at boot
update version 1.52:
-added option to edit /sdcard/userinit.sh on board.
-added zram support
-added support for
for tegra voltage control
update version 1.57:
-you can use now zRam and Swap the same time (if your kernel support this) zRam get the higher priority!
update version 1.58:
the new version supports the following actions:
profilename is in -> intent.getStringExtra("profile");
this is to switch OC profiles from SmartQRTags but should also work from other apps i.e. Tasker
update version 1.61:
-added chargecontrol if "/sys/kernel/fast_charge" exist
update version 2.00:
-updated GUI