A field service assistant for Jehovahs Witnesses. Keep track of your service.A field service assistant for Jehovahs Witnesses. Keep track of your serv
A field service assistant for Jehovah's Witnesses. Keep track of your service.
A field service assistant for Jehovah's Witnesses. Keep track of your service time, return visits, and placements.
Record placements and visits in the Call Book, and the stats will update accordingly.
Stats can be viewed either monthly or by Service Year (Sept - Aug). Also easily offers to move your extra minutes to the next month when you send your report via email.
NOTE: This application requires you to use it for your Call Book to get the best out of it. If you simply wish to record your time and number of magazines placed, I recommend another app, like "On The Ministry Lite".
ServiceDroid makes automatic backups to your SD card. To see how to restore to a new device, read here: https://github.com/seanmonstar/ServiceDroid/wiki/Restoring-a-Backup
Languages Available:
* English
* Spanish
* Italian
* French
* Portuguese
* German
* Danish
Source code is available at http://github.com/seanmonstar/ServiceDroid
Please report issues to the email address listed, I will be able to directly respond and act quicker than issues mentioned in reviews.
keywords: service droid, jw, ministry, jehovahs witnesses
- Added Videos as a placement type
- Updated Magazine view to default to Watchtower or Awake depending on the month
- Updated Service Report to show Publications and Videos, according to 2016 format
- Added Dutch and Korean translations