It shows bus transportation info provided by Madrid, Barcelona, Vitoria and moreApp that shows GTFS public information provided by different transport
It shows bus transportation info provided by Madrid, Barcelona, Vitoria and more
App that shows GTFS public information provided by different transport agencies.
Bus routes, stops and schedules. If the agency provides real time information this is also indicated for a better user experience.
* Add bus stops that you use frequently to your favorites
* See the route stops on a list or on the map
* Find the bus stop or route by its number or name
* Simple widget/direct access to your stops
We will be adding information for metro, train, etc as soon is available and provided by the transportation agency.
Cities that are covered currently:
- Bus transportation in Madrid (real time information available provided by EMT)
- Bus transportation in Barcelona (real time information available provided by TMB)
- Bus transportation in Vitoria Gazteiz (real time information NOT available. GTFS provided by Tuvisa)
- Bus transportation in Granada (real time information NOT available. GTFS provided by Área de Movilidad de Granada)
- Bus transportation in Málaga (real time information NOT available. GTFS provided by Empresa Malagueña de Transporte)
- Bus transportation in Mallorca (real time information NOT available. GTFS provided by TIB Mallorca)
- Bus transportation in Tenerife (real time information NOT available. GTFS provided by TITSA)
Thanks to the OneBusAway project