This app allows you to interact directly on new incoming messages from WA.This app needs root rights.Only english and german comments will be answered
This app allows you to interact directly on new incoming messages from WA.
This app needs root rights.
Only english and german comments will be answered.
If you want to help me, you're free to translate my app.
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Seebye Chat Heads brings the liked und famous chat heads to Wasap.
So you can access easily Wasap from every app.
By the way you have the choice,
if you use this app as a stand-alone app or as a FN extension.
Furthermore you have different opportunities to carry on a conversation.
For one thing you can create chat heads manually, for another thing you can wait for a incoming message.
Clicking on the chat head in the stand-alone mode opens the popup chat.
In the popup chat you can easily answer your conversation partner.
Clicking on the chat head in the Floating Notifications mode opens a menu with the options to open the popup chat,
mark the messages as readed or do a quick reply.
A quite interesting side effect is that your last online time won't update if you're using the app to answer.
credit of the used images according to terms of use on Flickr: Kayla Kandzorra -