How far can you go?"You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only w
How far can you go?
"You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only way you can go is deeper into the darkness. How deep can you go?"
SCP-087-B is a short, experimental indie horror game created by Joonas ("Regalis") Rikkonen. It is loosely based upon the SCP Foundation universe and is considered by Regalis to be the stepping stone to the creation of SCP - Containment Breach. The game was ported to Android by Fentras Labs & Tibers.
The original story is based on SCP-087.
Material contained within is based on the SCP Foundation and copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.