Играйте в традиционную и популярную сельскую игру в свое устройство Android. Bagh Bondi (Tiger Trap) - это традиционная и одна из самых популярных игр в Sout
Play a traditional and popular rural game into your android device.
Баг Бонди (Tiger Trap)-это традиционная и одна из самых популярных игр в регионе Юго-Восточной Азии, особенно в Бангладеш и в некоторых индийских регионах, а также в Непале.
People call it by different names in different areas. In Bangladesh this game is known as "Bagh Bondi (Bagh Bandi )". В хинди это «Баг -бакри», в Тамилнаде это «Аду Пули аатам», в телугу это «Пули Мека», в Карнатаке это «Аду Хули», в Пенджабе это «Шер Бакар», в Ориссе (Одиша) это «Багха Челе», а в непале - это «», - это «Бак -хала».
Bagh Bondi is a strategic game in which two player are required to play the game. One player controls the tigers side and the other player controls goats side.
The number of Goats and Tigers are not same as we saw in chess or checkers type game.
The game play takes place in two phases. In the first phase the goats are placed on the board while the tigers are moved. In the second phase both the goats and the tigers are moved.
The Tigers have the ability to capture goats and eliminate them from the board whereas the Goats have the power to block tigers. The game ends when either all goats are killed by the tigers or all tigers movements are blocked by the goats. As "Tiger Trap" game rules are quite simple so any person can easily play it.
• Simple and attractive user interface
• No internet connection is required to play the game.
• Single Player and Multi Player Mode.
• Options to play either Goat or tiger.
• Diverse Boards based on different Complexity level.
• A very rich AI to take decision for Tiger and Goat .
• Game Resume functionality
• Audio effect, Vibration support.
• Game board customization supports
• View previous game results