Вот плодовитая серия головоломок. Попробуйте это? Декан моего университета, позвонил мне в химическую лабораторию, чтобы обсудить какой -то важный эксперимент. W.
Вот плодовитая серия головоломок. Try this?
The dean of my university, called me to the chemistry lab to discuss about some important experiment.
When I arrive, the lab seems empty. That was quite strange!
I planned to move out from this lab, but suddenly the door got locked automatically.
I got confused! May questions were running in my mind!
Could it be that you're part of the experiment too?
Whatever it may be I should escape from this place before anything happens wrong.
I need your help to escape. Вы будете?
Then Collect all the items found in the lab and correlate them logically or illogically to escape. Just think “Outside the Box”.
The rules to collect the items are simple. Just tap on the item it will be added to the inventory panel.
Have a great escape!
Нужен плагин Adobe Air.