Fantasy Homeruns - это фэнтезийная игра, которая отслеживает только одну статистику Home Runs. Fantasy Baseball Game, Fantasy Homeruns - это фэнтезийная игра th
Fantasy Homeruns is a fantasy game that tracks only one statistic, home runs.
A Fantasy Baseball Game Simplified, Fantasy Homeruns is a fantasy game that tracks only one statistic, home runs.
Fantasy Homeruns will be donating 20% of the service fees collected to the Jackie Robinson Foundation. (
* New 2017 season ready to play
* New interfaces & design
* Administrative app to manage and view all season long
Воспроизведение традиционного фэнтезийного бейсбола требует большой работы, исследований и энергии, чтобы не отставать от всех статистических данных, необходимых для победы. At Fantasy Homeruns, we created a simple fantasy baseball game experience focusing on the most prolific statistic in baseball: homeruns.
Every Fantasy Homerun League has its own Commissioner who presides over the League. They can set the rules, invite people to join the League (teams), conduct the draft, and has access to assist other teams.
Each Team Manager has full control over every aspect of managing the team, building and growing it just like a real MLB team manager. Наблюдая за прогрессом вашей команды в течение сезона, мы сделаем всю работу по отслеживанию Homeruns, который получил травму и обновляя таблицу лиги.
This app is for current users of Fantasy Homeruns . Login to your account, interact with your dashboards designed for your iOS devices. Get realtime homerun updates and more!