Music trivia game will quiz your knowledge of rock and roll from 2000 to presentRock Music Trivia game will focus only on rock & roll... no pop, dance
Music trivia game will quiz your knowledge of rock and roll from 2000 to present
Rock Music Trivia game will focus only on rock & roll... no pop, dance, country or R&B here! Both mainstream and alternative rock songs from 2000-present are included. Questions will ask about songs, lyrics, albums, and group and artist names. Some of the bands include Foo Fighters, Linkin Park, Shinedown, Neon Trees, Avenged Sevenfold, Nickelback, Alter Bridge, Papa Roach, Skillet, My Chemical Romance, 3 Doors Down, Panic! At The Disco, and many more.
Classic Rock trivia (1960-1999) can be found in the "Classic Rock Music Trivia" app in the Android Market.
Personal info optional, just save a Profile and play for Free!
December 2012: Updated for gingerbread, ice cream sandwich, and jellybean - for compatibility with nearly all Android devices.