Traveling in Stockholm by SLs metro, commuter trains, local trains and busesSimplify your traveling in Stockholm using Res i STHLM, a free journey pla
Traveling in Stockholm by SL's metro, commuter trains, local trains and buses
Simplify your traveling in Stockholm using Res i STHLM, a free journey planner for SL, the Stockholm region's public transport authority. Either you're traveling by bus or commuter train, metro or light rail, the app helps you plan you whole journey and stay updated on current departure times and traffic disturbances.
Search trip - Specify from and to where you want to travel within the Stockholm region and get proposals for journeys including the subway (metro), commuter trains, local trains, buses and boats among others
Favorite trips - Save your favorites to speed up future trip searches
Realtime information - Showing current departure times for any chosen stop
Traffic problem - Showing any disruptions or deviations affecting the public traffic
Automatic language support for english, swedish and german
Explanation of permissions:
- GPS and network based location, to enable trip search from here and finding nearby stops as well as offering navigational support on your way to the stop
- Internal storage, to store your favorites, recent stops and recent trips searches
- Network access, for communicationg with the server and retrieve trip suggestions, address autocomplete, realtime information and traffic disruption information
The app supplies information about all of SL:s public traffic thanks to the Trafiklab API:s SL Place locator, SL Nearby stops, SL Journey planner, SL Realtime information, SL Traffic situation och SL Deviation information