RSS,i.e.,Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh..a unique organisation in the world..Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh..a unique organisation in the world..Since his c
RSS,i.e.,Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh..a unique organisation in the world..
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh..a unique organisation in the world..
Since his childhood, the founder of Sangh, Dr.Hedgewar was immensely, influenced by the life and acts of chatrapati Shivaji. To quote an instance, when as per customs of Adilshahi Darban, Shivaji’s father Shahaji asked young Shivaji to bow his head before Adilshah, he flatly refused and said, “I can’t accept any foreigner as my king,” this was an indication of the mind set of Shivaji who, later on, became the light house of the future generations.
A burning questions was always used to crop the mind of Dr.Hedgewar. The question was why vast country like Bharat with its high tradition and of bravery and sacrifice could become the victim of slavery and humiliation for a long time at the hands of foreign invaders. In order to get the answer, he joined many organizations, but in vain. Ultimately he came to the conclusion that unless the Hindu society as such becomes well organized and patriotic to the core of its heart, freedom will remain a dream. Hence the need of the hour was to unite the nation as a whole removing various differences existent in Hindu Society. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is the outcome of that process of Dr.Hedgewar.