3D Paddle Ball -um esporte de garganta de corte extremamente intenso! Bem-vindo ao Paddle Ball !!! Um esporte de garganta de corte extremamente intenso, onde os testículos ficam baixos e B
3D Paddle Ball - An extremely intense cut-throat sport!
An extremely intense cut-throat sport, where testicles hang low, and boys become men! And women... well... women still just make the sandwiches. Estou brincando! They make the boys! Moving on...
Do you think you have have what it takes to become the worlds greatest paddle baller? You do? Then you're a bigger idiot than your mother thought! Becoming a great paddle baller takes more than just dumb luck and a plethora of carpal tunnel surgeries. It takes skill and commitment. I'm talking about the kind of skill that will make men envy you. The kind of skill that makes a woman grow hard at the very thought of you! THAT IS THE SKILL I'M TALKING ABOUT!
If you think you have what it takes then go ahead, but know this, you WILL FAIL! And then you will fail again! E quando a única maneira de impedir que as lágrimas deslizem pelo seu rosto feio é inserindo um tampão do tamanho de um braço em sua vagina de grandes dimensões, quero que você saiba uma coisa. I WARNED YOU!
Hold the device parallel to the ground.
Flick the device up and pretend you're bouncing a red ball on a phone shaped paddle. É tão fácil. Or is it?
MertzBros ([email protected])
1.4 - Added optimizations.
1.3 - I managed to get to 106 with my eyes closed. Inaceitável.
1.2 - Added stats screen. Just swipe left.
1.1 - Thanks for the feedback guys. The most common complaint was that the game is way too hard, so I've made it A LOT easier. Let me know how it goes.
1.0 - Initial Release