Rock Paper Scissors game is to predict the winning team.It is a game of predicting a game of rock-paper-scissors game of Team West VS Team East. Data
Rock Paper Scissors game is to predict the winning team.
It is a game of predicting a game of rock-paper-scissors game of Team West VS Team East.
Data analysis, or please be expected to rely on intuition. And Please grant a wish towards
mission success.
1season the (season), 12 round, each time the game, make the game in five games.
Players (percentage to issue a rock-paper-scissors) rock-paper-scissors different powers west armed forces in the East squad appeared at random, rock-paper-scissors will do the game.
A Prize: 5 + game service stage all matches
B Prize: or five games, four games + service stage match
C Prize: or four games, three games
+ service stage match
W Prize: Service stage match
ーーーーーーーー Rock-paper-scissors rules ----------
Rock vs Paper → win Paper lose Rock
Rock vs Scissors → win Rock lose Scissors
Paper vs Scissors → win Scissors lose Paper
Rock vs Roc → draw
Paper vs Paper → draw
Scissors vs Scissors → draw