APPLICATION FOR THE COMPLETE MANAGEMENT OF TASKS, SUB-TASKS AND TASK LISTS.Application that facilitates the user the management of tasks and task lists.
Application for the Complete Management of Tasks, Sub-Tasks and Task Lists.
Application that facilitates the user the management of tasks and task lists. Taskplanner allows complete management of their tasks, subtasures and task lists.
Task management and subtasses:
- Create, modicate and erase tasks and subtashes. To create a subtarte, it is enough to indicate the name of the father to which it belongs.
- Create tasks and subtasters from an email (Gmail).
- Organize tasks for tasks, dates and priorities.
- Add a photograph from the gallery to a task or taken with the device camera.
- Synchronize application tasks with the user's personal calendar on Google Calendar.*
Task List Management
- Create, modicate and delete task lists.
- See the content of the various lists of application tasks.
- See the task calendar corresponding to one month.
- The application provides the following default tasks lists:
Everything shows all tasks in the application.
Today, it shows the tasks corresponding to today.
Made, it shows the tasks that have been marked as completed.
Priority, shows tasks ordered according to your priority.
Expired, shows the tasks that have not been completed before their realization date.
*To be able to synchronize tasks with Google Calendar, it is necessary to complete the user data in the application.