Pimples, scars and other spots on your face in a photo can be clearly removed.Pimples, moles, scars and other spots on your face in a photo can be cle
Pimples, scars and other spots on your face in a photo can be clearly removed.
Pimples, moles, scars and other spots on your face in a photo can be clearly removed.
Remove pimples on your face naturally, clearly, and completely.
Make your face flawless and be confident about it.
(Highly Recommended : Watch tutorial video to see how to use app)
It is easy and simple to use.
1. First, zoom in/out and move the photo so that a scar can be seen closely.
2. Adjust the size of a blue circle. Drag the circle and place the center of the circle on the scar.
3. Press the “Remove” at the bottom right, then the scar will be clearly removed.