Use Pet Breeds to find and adopt your favorite Pet BreedsPet Breeds is the best pet finder tool for discovering information about pets and finding ado
Use Pet Breeds to find and adopt your favorite Pet Breeds
Pet Breeds is the best pet finder tool for discovering information about pets and finding adoptable dogs and cats near you!
With over 1,000 dog and cat breeds in our data library, Pet Breeds helps aspiring owners find and adopt the right breed. Enthusiastic pet owners will also enjoy learning more about their pets! Find information about a breed's origin, lifespan, personality, health, size, cost of ownership, grooming, shedding, behavior with kids, and much more. Don't go home with the wrong pet breed. Read hundreds of pet reviews from our community of pet breed owners who share their experiences. Catch the latest pet breed stories and trends.
If you want to find and adopt a pet, you can search through our portal of 35,000 adoption listings for dogs and cats. Our app is the ultimate pet adoption finder. Listings can be filtered by location making it convenient to find and adopt pets in your area. Whether you are looking to find your next pet or desire to learn more about your current one, Pet Breeds pet finder makes it easy to explore and adopt every pet breed!
★ Browse through high quality pet images.
★ Compare dogs and cats based on personality, size, trainability, and more.
★ Get info about owning a pet from estimated costs of ownership to health concerns.
★ Explore each breed's profile to find the right pet breed for you.
★ Review dogs or cats you have owned and share your experience with Pet Breeds' growing community.
★ See thousands of pet profiles to find your next pet to adopt!
This app also contains a vast dry dog food database with more than 400 products! Search for dry dog food based on quality of ingredients, primary carbohydrate and protein sources, breed-specific food, price, and more! Use our data to help make the right nutritional decisions for your dog.
★ Utilize our Smart Rating to help you choose the best dry dog food.
★ Sort by price to find affordable options.
★ View the five main ingredients and percentages for crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, and moisture.
This pet finder app is developed and optimized for Android, this app will give you pets knowledge wherever you go! Content is geared toward users within the United States. Data is powered by