Write down your emotions and secrets and secure it with the passwordShhhh!!! Don’t keep it in your mind. Write it down. Keep your all secrets in your
Write down your emotions and secrets and secure it with the password
Shhhh!!! Don’t keep it in your mind. Write it down. Keep your all secrets in your password protected Personal Diary. Download Now Free!!!
Personal Diary for the secretive people. Write down your emotions and secrets and secure it with the password. This is a beautiful creation based on the concept of daily diary. It comes with multiple themes and colors.
Forgot password for a Diary?
You can recover your password through email. Just set the email id in the options menu to recover the password. Everytime you create a diary you can associate an email with it so that you can recover the password in case you forget. Please note once you set the email id you CAN NOT change it at the later stage. You can add email id in the options menu also so that you don't have to type your email id every time you create a diary.