Padua Wake Bus Timetables Bus PD Coincidents Public Transport Stationibus Padova is free launching to consult the bus timetables
Padua Wake Bus Timetables Bus Pd Cincidens Public Transport Station
Bus Padova is the free application to consult the bus times of Padua and view the estimated delays.
How many times, for a walk for Padua, you happened to think "how much my bus will pass" but was the cartel with the nearest times a kilometer away?
How many times did you happen to get late to an important appointment only for having lost the bus of a few minutes?
And how many times have you happened to want to know what time was the bus to be able to plan in the afternoon?
Admit it ... now that they think about it are things that have happened to you really many times!
But you will no longer have to worry about all this!
Thanks to this application you will have the weekdays, prefestive and holidays of the buses of Padua, their path and the delay they have at every stop of their trafficking !!
List of bus strokes of Padua
Search among the sections
Adding States to your favorites via prolonged TAP
Timetables grouped for pre -holiday weekdays and holidays
Special departures/arrivals highlighted
Return display
Display of the bus route
Functionality "When does it arrive?"
"Planning" functionality by inserting departure and arrival
Bus in real time (to be removed)
Application not affiliated with Busitalia, APS Holding or other transport companies.
The data provided by the application are to be carried out "as they are", the developer assumes no responsibility for any wrong times or malfunctions in the app. In addition, the developer is in no way responsible for malfunctions relating to the website or other services managed by transport companies or third parties.
If you detect any problems, you have advice, complaints or you just want to congratulate you, contact me at the following email address: