Experimental app for planning multimodal trips via bike, walk, and transitThis is a prototype app that works with OpenTripPlanner servers deployed in
Experimental app for planning multimodal trips via bike, walk, and transit
This is a prototype app that works with OpenTripPlanner servers deployed in certain areas:
------ Birmingham, AL
------ Greenville, SC
------ Tampa, FL
• France
------ Aquitaine
• Italy
------ Tuscany - Livorno Province
------ Bologna Province
------ Venice Province
• Portugal
------ Coimbra
------ Porto
------ Madeira
• Spain
------ A Coruña/Ferrol
------ Santander
Want to plan a multimodal trip via bike, walk, and transit? OpenTripPlanner (OTP) for Android uses GTFS for transit data and OpenStreetMap for bike and sidewalk data to plan trips.
Current features:
• Plan trips via bus, bike, and walk that are linked together using any OTP server
• Real-time arrival times in trip itineraries*
• Rental bike support, with icons for bike rental stations*
• Display directions on map and as written list
• Custom bike trips to balance how quick, flat, and "bike-friendly" trip results are
• Sliding panel for trip options
• Auto detection of proper OTP server based on a Google Docs directory (Can also use a custom URL to any OTP API)
• Options to change wheelchair accessibility, max walk distance, etc.
• Point-of-Interest search, including geo-coding
• Feedback form for Android client maintainer or to particular OTP server maintainer
* (requires data from region)
How is this different from Google Maps?
OpenTripPlanner provides true multimodal trip that can link bike, walk, and transit trips based on open data sources.
For this app to work in your city, someone must set up an OpenTripPlanner server (http://OpenTripPlanner.org) for your geographic area, and your server must be added to the server directory.
Have an OpenTripPlanner server? Contact us to be added to this app!
Code is open-source at: