Shop the latest Exclusive offers, Recharge your number and Pay your bills.Ooredoo Kuwait app provides you a quick and easy way to check your balance,
Shop the latest Exclusive offers, Recharge your number and Pay your bills.
Ooredoo Kuwait app provides you a quick and easy way to check your balance, Recharge your prepaid numbers, Pay your postpaid bills, Transfer Balance and Shop the latest exclusive offers & exciting deals on mobiles, devices and Shamel, Xpress & ANA SIM plans or even get an eSIM.
Through our App, you can Manage all your lines at once, Track your minutes, SMS & internet usage real time, and stay connected by purchasing Addon bundles. You can also customize your ANA plan to meet your needs
It gives you the ability to Upgrade to 5G internet, Subscribe to Roaming and International services easily with one click and no commitments needed. You can also manage your Nojoom Points redemptions and check the latest Nojoom Deals. Don’t miss out on the Incredible Offers of Ooredoo Surprise.
Our online customer service team are available 24x7 to meet and exceed your expectations so you can reach out and chat online with us via Ooredoo app any time; we’ll always be glad to hear from you and ensure your Ooredoo experience is the best possible!
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