Official Application of the Nurul Musthofa Jakarta Assembly, the Official Application of the Nurul Musthofa Jakarta Council as a da'wah media to the wider community and the communication media
The official application of the Nurul Musthofa Jakarta Assembly
The official application of the Nurul Musthofa Jakarta Assembly as a da'wah media to the wider community and communication media to the Jama'ah Nurul Musthofa and the audience.
By downloading this application you have helped to advance Islamic Da'wah and Majlis Da'wah. This application contains sholawat2 MP3 -filled sholawat2 and sourced from the Nurul Musthofa Foundation, the contents of this application are entirely owned by the Nurul Musthofa Assembly which is used for good. Please download the application for free ..
Application Contents:
- Photo Gallery (Latest)
- MP3 Qosidah, Gambus and Maulid (can be downloaded)
- Streaming Da Live Streaming Radio
- Simtudduror, Burdah and Ratib Al-Upas
- Profile of the Nurul Musthofa Assembly
- Majlis recitation videos
- Social Media (FB, Twitter and YouTube)
This application is always "up to date". So wait for the next version for the development of da'wah, hopefully this application is useful for all of us.
NB: To download Qasidah or Gambus Mp3, press on the name of the song about +-3 seconds, after that a notification will appear ... then select "Set As Ringtone" and please wait a minute to download. And find the file on your Android device. Thank You